Friday 28 November 2014

A Critical Understanding of the Concept of Priority Date in Accordance to Application of a Patent

By Joseph Lubega, LLB Candidate (UCU)

Intellectual property in a broader sense refers to creations of the mind, which among others include inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and symbols, names and images used in commerce. However, in my own understanding. 
Intellectual Property (IP) is well thought-out a concept that describes the application of the mind to develop something new or original. This thus means that Intellectual property law is interested in protecting the product of human mind or product of creation.
Just as the law protects ownership of personal property and real estate, so too does it protect the exclusive control of intangible assets. The rationale of I.P laws is to give an incentive for people to develop creative works that benefit society, by ensuring they can profit from their works without fear of misappropriation by others. 
Hence Intellectual property rights are important since they protect the right of the owners of intellectual property to earn money from the created property, thus stimulating others to come up with intellectual property of their own.
Therefore, Intellecual property law is classified into different types of I.P rights which among others include Copyrights, Patent law, Trade Secrets and Trademarks with a copyright law as a law intended to protect and to reward original expressions embodied in tangible material or fixed form.
This leads us to another important IP right that is to say, patent law where a patent is defined as an exclusive right granted for an invention1, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or as per Section 8(1) of the Industrial Properties Act offers a new technical solution to a problem. This means that the state grants an exclusive right to the inventor to make, use, manufacture and market the invention provided the invention satisfies certain conditions stipulated in the law (Found in part III of the Industrial Properties Act).
Therefore, the exclusivity of the right implies that no else can make, use, manufacture or market the invention without the consent of the patent holder.
As a result, to get a patent, particular technical information about the invention must be disclosed to the public in a patent application, meaning patent protection is in exchange of public disclosure of the various specializations of the invention as was pointed out in PLG Research ltd v Ardon international ltd [1993] FSR 197, where court held that by publication the law means putting out in the public full description of the product in that any skilled person in that art can work or utilise the description.
Therefore in principle, the patent owner has the exclusive right to prevent or stop others from commercially exploiting the patented invention, which in other words, means that upon patent protection the invention cannot be commercially made, used, distributed, imported or sold by others without the patent owner's consent, this can be related to derivative rights which arise where the owner or original owner gives another person permission to any other person as was expressed in Angella Katatumba v Anti-Corruption Coalition of Uganda (( Civil Suit No.307 0f 2011).
Patents are territorial rights that is to say that the exclusive rights are only applicable in the country or region in which a patent has been filed and granted, in accordance with the law of that country or region. This protection is granted for a limited period, usually 20 years from the filing date of the application as it is referenced in Section 24(3) of The Industrial Properties Act.
This brings me to the question in issue, the concept of priority date which by virtue of Section 2 of the Industrial Property Act, 2014 to mean the date of the first application that serves as the basis for claiming the right of priority provided for in the Paris Convention

In simple terms, the inventor’s idea is protected within the first 12 months from the date of filing from any subsequent patent application for the same invention, in that, in case of such a dilemma he or she can claim this "priority right” as provided for under Section 24 of the Industrial Property Act, 2014. Therefore according to Bainbridge in Intellectual Property, priority date is the earliest date to which a patent application can claim priority.

For that reason, the significance of the priority date is the fact that it defines what materials or provisional specializations fall within the prior art to the patent application, thus, obtaining the earliest possible priority date can be important to the patentability of some inventions.
By provisional specialization the applicant is entitled to disclosing the essence of the nature of the invention.

What often happens is that many people always work at the same time to find solution(s) to a particular technical problem, which in most situations makes the patent application process a difficult course. However, the law seeks to protect only one of them through the grant of a patent and this explains the reason as to why most jurisdictions follow the so-called first-to-file-system in granting that patent to the one who filed the application first.

In accordance with the Ugandan industrial property Act, only the “first inventor” of the claimed invention is entitled to a patent for that invention. The “first inventor” is the person who either (1) reduced the invention to practice first or (2) reduced the invention to practice second but conceived of the invention first and exercised reasonable diligence in reducing the invention to practice from a time just prior to when the first person reduced the invention to practice.

This is in regards to an application filed with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB), operating under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs.

Therefore, when an inventor is seeking patent protection for the same invention in several countries, the principle of priority is very useful since you do not have to file your application in several countries at the same time. 

The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property provides that once you file an application in one country party to the Convention, you (under section 24(3) of the Industrial Properties Act, 2014) are entitled to claim priority for a period of twelve months and the filing date of that first application is considered the “priority date."
Therefore, when you apply for protection in other member countries (of the Paris Convention) during those twelve months, the filing date of your first application is considered to have “priority” over other applications filed after that date.

In such a case, you still succeed in being the first-to-file in other member countries, even if there are other applications filed before the filing date of your application in those countries.

The above rationale was the impetus of the Paris Convention which intended to avoid the unwanted loss of eligibility for patent protection through publication of patent applications and participation in international exhibitions in advance of filing national patent applications.

The above issue simply means the inventor will get the benefit of a filing date in a foreign jurisdiction or patent office for purposes of determining what is prior art, that is to say, it is the actual filing date of the first application (This was a decision of the Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office).

This explains the situation prior to the Convention, as those wanting protection for inventions in numerous countries needed to file patent applications in all such countries at once, and needed to do so prior to any publication or exhibition of the invention at a trade fair, in order to avoid the accidental loss of eligibility of patent protection in one or more of the countries.

Therefore, the law is seeking to safeguard the interest of a patent applicant in his endeavour to obtain international protection for his invention by easing the negative consequences of the principle of territoriality in patent law, though for a limited time.
Hence the fact that the law of patent is jurisdictional, was solved by the development of the concept of priority date where an inventor applying in Uganda will still have a benefit of 12 months period to apply for patent protection in other African countries through ARIPO office and the world at large through application to the WIPO office by claiming the priority of the earliest Ugandan patent application filed one year before.
This thus enables the inventor to be able to benefit from the date of filing of the Ugandan patent application in these other countries.
Hence any disclosure to the public as regards to the applicant’s invention on or after the filing date will not prejudice the inventor’s patent application in other countries outside Uganda’s territorial jurisdiction.( As a result, any publication concerning or explaining the inventor’s concept will not affect the novelty of the Applicant’s patent application in other countries by virtue of the claim of priority date.
This as a result, indicates the relationship between novelty and the right of priority, as the priority date is a significant concept that preserves the novelty of the invention within other countries notwithstanding any publication, exhibition or other act capable of destroying novelty of the invention during the priority period. This was further enshrined in Windsurfing International Inc v Tabur Marine (1985) RPC 59 where court noted that the importance of priority date is to protect the novelty of the invention from any other common general knowledge in the art in question.

Therefore, the priority date is important because it is the state of the art at that date that is considered when judging the invention for novelty. It is also relevant in terms of infringement in that persons who in good faith, before the priority date, either have done an act that would constitute infringement or have made effective and serious preparations (according to Bainbridge in Intellectual Property pg. 389).

The current law is a modification as before the signing of the 1883 Paris convention the practice was that when someone wanted to obtain patents in multiple countries he or she had to file separate applications in each of these countries. 

If the invention was going to be put on the market, it would no longer be patentable in most countries, and so translations and other administrative affairs would have to be done very quickly, however, this was quite a difficult situation as inventors ended up losing out on most of benefits from their inventions, hence the Paris convention was a forum to ease matters through the claim of right of priority, as the Paris Convention granted an inventor a priority right based on a patent application filed in one member country. 
If the inventor subsequently files/filed patent applications for the same invention in other member countries within one year after filing the first one, the later applications receive a fictional filing date (the "priority date") that is equal to the filing date of the first patent application. This gave the inventor a period of one year to prepare translations and to brush up specification and figures, and to decide in which countries he wants to file a patent application, this rationale was illustrated in the
However, it is important to note that for an applicant to claim the right of priority the applicant ought to make sure that the specifications illustrated in the original application ought to be similar with the specifications in all the other later applications as the consequence for failure to have the same descriptions would be severe, as was noted in the case of Biogen inc v Medava Plc (1997) RPC 1, where the house of lords upheld the decision of court of Appeal in declining the claim to the right of priority as the subsequent applications had different specializations from the original application.
Furthermore, the applicant is expected to claim his right to priority within the stipulated 12 months to avoid the consequences of striking out the applicant’s right. This was clearly elucidated in the case of Re Abaco Machines (Australasia) Pty Ltd (2007) EWHC 347 where an Australian company filed an application for a Vietnamese patent intending to file an application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty and following this in relation to the U.K, filed an application to the European Patent Convention. However due to an error, the required duration of 12 months was missed to file the PCT application, court noted the fact that the claim for right to priority was missed and thus was proper for the patent office to refuse the grant for a late declaration.
Therefore, in my humble opinion l believe the concept of right to priority was a significant creation of the Paris convention that was developed to protect majority of the inventors during patent application process which was quite a different situation prior to the development of the right of priority as was seen in the case of Microbeads AG v Vinhurst Road Markings [1975] 1 WLR 218 where a patent holder sued the defendant for patent infringement .However the defendant argued that by the time of the purchase of the goods, the applicant had not been granted the patent for the product hence was in breach of his quiet possession of ownership.
The above case indicates the risks inventors faced in regards to lose of their invention rights as the inventor would only benefit from any I.P right such as suing for patent infringement from the date of grant of the patent.
However, with the current development in the law, the inventor is now protected from such risks as the inventor can now claim patent infringement from the date of filing by virtue of his right of priority.


  1. Industrial Property Act,2014
  2. The Paris Convention for the protection of industrial property, of 20th March, 1883
  1. D. Bainbridge (2010), Intellectual Property, 8th Edition.
  2. Colston, Principles on Intellectual Property
  3. Jon Holyoak, Intellectual Property Law
  4. W.R. Cornish, Cases & Materials on Intellectual Property, 5th Edition
  1. Angella Katatumba v Anti-Corruption Coalition of Uganda Civil suit No.307 of 2011.
  2. Biogen inc v Medava Plc [1997] RPC 1
  3. PLG Research ltd v Ardon international ltd [1993] FSR 197,
  4. Re Abaco Machines (Australasia) Pty Ltd [2007] EWHC 347
  5. Windsurfing International Inc v Tabur Marine [1985] RPC 59

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